oBo + 10am?

Elliott Griffiths
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Illustration by NovaH. Source: BLAST Premier

Is someone cutting onions?


It's a bit early for onions (as well as a bit too early to play Counter-Strike - more on that later) so why are we all crying?

This one is a pretty unfortunate story, where nobody really comes out happier than before - except maybe Cloud9 - as oBo has left Complexity out of nowhere.

According to Jason Lake's livestream (of which much is now muted), oBo stood up and left the team just days after telling them he would be able to last until after the EPL Playoffs, despite suffering with some pretty bad homesickness. Jason, it seems, had been cutting a few onions himself.

Poor guy looked exhausted and truly, truly hurt.

Homesickness is a real killer. It's the sort of thing you can't really understand until you've been there, and for many people, it's not something they deal with. But as a 17 year old on a different continent, hotel-hopping during a pandemic, we think it's pretty unfair to expect oBo to be able to deal with it. Here's a perspective from someone that went the opposite way a few years back.

That's why this story sucks more than... you can insert your own punchline there, Mr(s) Dirty-minded Reader. It's nobody's fault, but everyone ends up unhappy*. Like all of our relationships.*

Maybe that's just us.

Cloud9 or Gen.G seem to be the most likely destinations for the America-bound oBo, while Complexity desperately need a fifth (and will lose some RMR points for this debacle, too). aizyesque put a few names out there in his video, that he personally recommends. Funny that.

If you want a more light-hearted story, we can all laugh at the pampered players complaining about a 10am start.


Everyone reading this, we imagine, has had to start work earlier than that before. Maybe you're reading this at 8am before work.

And yeah, we complain about a 8am start, but it leaves a funny taste in your mouth seeing someone doing your dream job, complaining about a not-that-f'ing-early start.

Yes, there are legitimate reasons why a 10am start isn't ideal and maybe the complaints aren't that bad. But this is the internet, so we're outraged. It just... come on. 10am really isn't that early.

Wake up at 7AM for your job, guys. It shouldn't be a big story.

September 24, 2020

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