Ancient at a real event?

Elliott Griffiths
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So, remember when Valve shoehorned Vertigo into the pool and everyone hated it?

Ancient is absolutely nothing like that; bizarrely, everyone outside of Twitch chat seems to love it.

It's actually being picked and played by the teams at this event, while Vertigo took a little while for people to even think about picking. It's not in every series, but it's been picked about as much as Nuke, which is... alright.

Even Tomi likes it. Jesus.

And it's super fun to watch a new meta emerge and evolve in real time - it's been so long since we've all seen something new, and watching maden rip teams apart in a brand new setting was one of the most refreshing viewing experiences we've had.

Playing it is nearly as cool as watching it, and it's only going to get cooler once we finalise the new SimpleRadar for the map incl. callouts.

We're getting there, man. AREDONE is pixel-pushing as fast as possible.

June 6, 2021

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