Anyone want some biceps?

Elliott Griffiths
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Erm, blameF is out of Complexity, and it seems like it wasn't entirely of his own volition, either. We'd link the Twitch clip of him saying he was kicked instead of leaving, but it's been taken down for some reason. So you have our word, instead.

The big burly beast of a man known as Benjamin 'blameF' Bremer will instead take his bustling biceps and blatant baiting to pastures new, as Complexity announced they were parting ways sort of out of the blue.

A top 20 player last year, blameF is one of the hottest properties on the market right now as a leader and as a player. That is, if you can afford to pay him - rumours are that he was on a $25,000/month contract, which was on the high side even for a team funded by the Dallas Cowboys.

But he's... kinda worth it. A superb clutcher and decent enough caller, blameF has even shown himself to be a worthy entry fragger when needed. There's plenty of teams out there who could do with a cool head with fresh ideas and slick mechanics, permanently.

EG might look to him for a rebuild; Astralis might need a Dane; MOUZ might make a change or two, and uh, South keep trying to recruit players via Twitter despite not really existing, in case he gets really desperate.

October 31, 2021

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