It's not very often we get to flex about being right. Mostly as we're not right very often.
But we bloody well told you so. Here's what we said in December, when meyern joined MIBR:
Argentinian wunderkind meyern has played well enough to earn the chance to be the next player to be blamed for all of MiBR's failures, at least according to HLTV. After boltz, felps, LUCAS1 and fnx, meyern is the next in line to the poisoned chalice.
We're sure the Brazilian fans will take kindly to an Argentinian being the fifth, and won't make him a scapegoat.
meyern hasn't been kicked just yet, but HLTV reckon trk might be the next in line to the throne if and when he's out of there. And just like any throne in Winterfell, it'll almost certainly be vacated pretty soon for another person who they can replace, and there will be lots of dying. Just, in the server.
In other news, Astralis have got bored of Denmark having enough talent for four teams and started just, becoming more teams. Megamind stuff. They already got themselves a sixth player in es3tag, but now they want a seventh and maybe even an eighth.
How can you prepare for what Astralis are bringing if Astralis don't even know?
Some think Astralis will be like the Avengers, and Pimp is certainly doing his best Hulk impression in his attempts to woo himself back into a top Danish team - except it's behind a keyboard. A keyboard Avenger.
Maybe it's not Pimp (we know, we're shocked too) but how about former Astralis golden boy Kjaerbye? Nikolaj Nyholm was definitely not bitter when he replied to North's tweet about Kjaerbye's illness.
In fairness, that's a banger of a tweet.
Meanwhile, aizyesque is just worried that Astralis might 'poach aizy'. We've tried reassuring him, but he keeps saying something about a 1v5 and trailing off into the distance.