Aurora beat-Astralis

Elliott Griffiths
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Illustration by NovaH.

When the news was telling us that the Northern Lights were set to be visible this week, we were expecting Aurora Borealis, not Aurora beat Astralis.

Is that a reach? Maybe.

But Astralis bombed out of the RMR Qualifier to a team called Aurora, and we don’t get to talk about Astralis lo- alright, never mind, that is just a lie.

Loads of great teams have tried and failed to stop blameF baiting his en- erm, from going positive, but Aurora seem to have cracked the code. farlig’s woes are continuing, and Astralis’ decision to not make a roster move is looking a little strange.

They weren’t the only team embarrassed, though.

Both fnatic and Entropiq failed to make the top five with losses to Falcons and Sprout respectively; but both of those teams are looking a hell of a lot stronger since the changes.

Sprout especially; who went on to win the whole thing under the new tutelage of refrezh, while misutaaa looked a threat in his new position at Falcons.

OG avoided some embarrassment by sneaking into 5th and taking the last spot at the European RMR, while Eternal Fire, AGO, Copenhagen Flames and Endpoint all will have to join Astralis and co. in the next few qualifiers.

MOUZ, and Astralis-slayers Aurora, took up the other two spots, and avoid our ire, more importantly.

Astralis couldn’t, could they?

August 19, 2022

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