Badass Bardolph

Elliott Griffiths
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  • Valve adds online events to the ingame HUD. Nice mens)))
  • It was James Bardolph's birthday this week - and Rin Hallward made this kick-ass image of him as a GTA loading screen character.
  • Why did NaVi lose in EPL? We don't know, but stuchiu does.
  • WESG have added 'coronavirus' to their list of reasons why they can't pay Windigo.
  • Shakezullah of Triumph spoke about trying to get into FLASHPOINT and EPL as a tier 2 (if we're kind) team.
  • nukkye is a free agent after leaving Hellraisers. If he knows Excel, then maybe he can join Heretics as an analyst.
  • We never thought we'd see ropz complain about playing CS online... even if he does have a point.
  • Cobble might be coming back! That's according to a not-very-cryptic tweet from the mysterious 2Eggs.
  • LOMME has left Heroic.
April 16, 2020

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