Baltic CS: The Return of the Espiranto

Gijs Verhoeff
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🤨  Weird teams

  • “Budapest” Five might be a bit of stretch, given the fact you only have two Hungarians on your team. Oh and Espi is back.
  • Never ever complain about HLTV rankings again, because according to BLAST’s 2022 rankings, OG is the third best team in the world. Even we had trouble keeping our laughter in whilst writing it.
  • Shitty meme aside, it is still very weird both GamerLegion and MOUZ haven’t said anything about siuhy.

🧠  Big brain

  • broky’s mind was so assured of his victory in the 1v4 clutch that he cared more about rain’s monitor at the end than he did about winning the clutch. Ice cold.
  • Are we the only ones who find it ironic the guy called “hades” found this cool molotov on Mirage?

🔍  The “Los Kogunos” conspiracy

  • Agent Lau has discovered some important intel considering the anti-Astralis group known as “Los Kogunos”. Things are deeper rooted than we thought.
  • If this “Los Kogunos” organisation is as big as the intel suggests, then farlig might just be a double-agent. He might be too dangerous to be kept a̶l̶i̶v̶e̶ on the team.
August 28, 2022

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