Blast Premier Spring Showdown kicks off

Gijs Verhoeff
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We hope you're sitting down, because we are about to take you on a journey. Blast Premier was supposed to consist of three parts: A group-stage, a showdown and a Global Final. Due to Covid-19, only the group-stage was played before all hell broke loose and everything transitioned to online play.

That means we currently have 6 teams qualified for the Blast Premier Global Finals, 5 from Europe and 1 from NA. To accomodate that, and internet play, Blast then decided to host the last two parts of the tournament in individual EU and NA competitions.

And lucky for us, there were some pretty big names that missed the Global Final qualification in the inaugural groupstage. In EU the Blast Premier Spring Showdown includes three of the top 5 teams in the world: Astralis, Fnatic and Mousesports. Add in Vitality, ENCE and MAD Lions, and you have what's supposedly a banger tournament.

Across the pond only Team Liquid qualified for the Global Finals, which means we get a who's who of NA teams, and even MIBR have made their way in there.

Hype first round matchups:

  • NiP vs Astralis
  • Fnatic vs MAD Lions
  • 100T vs EG
May 31, 2020

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