BLAST reduce prize pools while IEM announces LAN

Elliott Griffiths
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BLAST have apparently 'restructured' their prize pools, which is somewhat reminiscent to how a sculptor 'modelled' Cristiano Ronaldo's face. That is to say, the players now make nearly $3m less in the next two years, with the money going to the teams instead.

Now, having seen ALEX's pay packet, we understand that we probably shouldn't feel too sorry for the players that they're being paid less, but the CSPPA are a bit annoyed about it. They're annoyed about everything, in fairness.

As Milan Švejda points out, though, BLAST have no responsibility to the players, and only the teams. Which... makes sense to us.

Turns out, pulling out of the deal with some sketchy Saudi company is going to hurt your bottom line, and principles often come at a financial cost in business. That's why all the big corporations are somewhat immoral. Sorry about that, we just watched Mr Robot again.

On the plus side, though, we'll be back on flipping LAN soon. No more webcams of players, no more toilet tech breaks, and maybe no more BIG winning things either.

Middle of December, the IEM Global Challenge. On LAN. LAN! What teams are there? What's the prize pool? Who cares? We're back on LAN baby!

Well, we DO care. A cool half a mill' prize pool awaits the big winner, and all the qualification stuff is at the above link. There'll be the best of the best, and back on LAN.

Did we mention it's on LAN?

September 17, 2020

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