The Na'Vi captain shows us once again CS isn't his only talent. Competition beware, the man will eat you up if you get in his way.
Cologne will be Colonline and not CoLAN, as we foresaw in previous editions. Perfect for a certain German team if you ask us. No virus, no BIG.
Need an in depth analysis of just about everything CS:GO has to offer? Look no further than mahone_tv. It got at least a few of us out of Silver.
GamerLegion have made their return along with long lost Slovak talent Zero. The rest of the team has us scratching our heads however.
Want even more analysis? Moses has you covered with his breakdown of FaZe's Ivy take versus G2. We're pretty split between the two, so we'll just watch both.
u/znics shows us why the saying "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" has an inkling of truth in it. We'd be checking your profile after that one znics.
Dr Disrespect is back... On the Washington Post. He gave some insight in to recent events in an extensive interview. Where's your leak now Slasher?
Twitter user monkiiCS shares a feeling we've all felt before. We call it: Flanking - the emotional rollercoaster.
China will be one of the first countries to return to - or at least try to - the LAN format, with the CS:GO_ProHouse Wuxi Villa Cup featuring TYLOO and Invictus, among others. At this point we'll take anything we can get.
We've been told napz feels this meme from BakerCS, hits particularly hard in certain soft spots you don't like to get hit in. Where is ChristJ when you need him?