Clothing brand leaves CS:GO (no, not FaZe, the other one)

Gijs Verhoeff
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Following earlier reports, 100 Thieves officially confirmed they were leaving the territory of CS:GO, leaving three Aussies, a Kiwi and a Norwegian behind, with only some merch to keep them warm.

Jokes aside, owner and CEO of the organisation, Nadeshot, has said that the decision was made mainly because of the current pandemic.

The team had wanted to move to Europe, because the scene is healthier there right now - more on that below - and that 100 Thieves would be unable to provide the needed infrastructure - they only had US sizes - for the players and staff.

This means IEM New York is the last tournament the players will play under their org, and that they will be free agents after that. We'd already told you about a possible move to Complexity by jks earlier this week, which this news would only speed up, and we can only imagine the other players will find a home soon as well.

Makes you wonder what the logistics of that house would be, you know with all that upside down business they're used to down under.

October 15, 2020

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