Snappi thinks the seeding is slightly unbalanced for the EU RMRs. You reckon?
peacemaker has left TeamoNe. He… doesn’t do a lot to counter the narrative about himself.
👀 Cool stuff
DemoDive allows you to find what you want out of a demo faster than your puny eyes and brain could ever imagine. Ya silly goober.
New BNE coach Devilwalk did an interview with some friends of the newsletter over at Insite. He ‘doesn’t consider winning the Major a big achievement’. Yeah, we don’t know either.
BLAST put out a long-form article about kennyS and his potential fairytale run back to where it all began. And it was written by someone very cool, apparently.
If we had £220, we might just buy one of these wicked bomber jackets from Vitality. Seriously. That could make even the ugliest TLDR writer look like, well, you. Our much more attractive reader.
🔫 Counter-Strike
It’s easier than ever to hit headshots. Good news for some of you. Really good news for us.
April 6, 2023
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