device back to Astralis?

Phillip Rasmussen
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Illustration by ANDY Source: @dev1ce

We’ve all been dancing to the tune of Jaxon the last few months because they seem to be the ones able to come up with every bit of breaking news recently.

First, they reported that NiP were shopping device around at approximately €800,000. Then they reported that NiP were in talks with Astralis over a return for the Danish star AWP’er, which sparked rumours about farlig being on the way out.

Then, last week, they broke the story that k0nfig broke his foot in a fistfight (the weirdest sentence we’ve had to write in #307 editions…). Not the most fortunate timing for the self-proclaimed SP34RM4N, considering that him, Xyp9x, and farlig might be playing musical chairs for two starting spots soon.

That soon might be nearer than you’d think because according to Jaxon, NiP and Astralis have now agreed on a price for the world’s former 3rd best player.

At €600,000 in cool cash, the price isn’t far away from what NiP allegedly sent to Copenhagen when device moved to Stockholm. Because device has not been registered during the RMRs for Astralis, he won’t be able to compete for them at the Major, but right now that doesn’t look like a problem since they won’t be going.

The TLDR verdict is that there hasn’t been a bigger win/win in esports since.. well, never.

If device can fix Astralis, he’ll be two for two, as NiP also seems to be fixed by proxy. He just never miss.

October 6, 2022

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