Elisa Invitational kicks off on Thursday

Elliott Griffiths
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  • Shoutout to Lucas aka scu who completed our reader survey and was rolled as the lucky winner of a SteelSeries Arctis 7 wireless headset.
  • ENCE might be the third best Finnish team after this week - Elisa Invitational kicks off this week, as an hors d'oeuvres for BLAST Premier.
  • BLAST also announced BLAST Rising for teams of 'varying levels' with a €30K prize pool. Maybe they'll invite mousesports, as their level varies from tournament to tournament.
  • Louder footsteps would be great, but just turn your sound up - you might get banned otherwise.
  • Complexity might be slightly underwhelming in the server, but they look goooooood everywhere else. This vid on k0nfig is sumptuously produced.
  • Thorin and MonteCristo spoke at length about FLASHPOINT and weirdly, we respect them more for it.
  • HellRaisers announced a new line-up with what we can only assume is kioShiMa's cousin, ProbLeM.
  • JUGi has 'hit free agency'. We're happy for him - he's missed quite a lot in recent times.
  • Summit1G is 'the king of Twitch' and not just 'that guy who died in his own molotov', apparently.
  • UKCS has a new line-up to get bemused about.
April 26, 2020

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