ENCE and FURIA go big game hunting

Elliott Griffiths
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Ladies and gentlemen, and everyone else.

We regret to inform you that it is once again, easy for ENCE.

The Finn- nope, sorry, international squad - that still doesn’t quite click for us - started Pro League with two of the biggest names in the group; FaZe Clan, and then Vitality.

They’ve dropped one map.

An opening day victory over FaZe, 2-1, was predicated on them winning a whole bunch of clutches, like this low health 1v3 from Spinx. That seems like something that... might not happen too much, and maybe it was just a good day.

But they followed it up by putting Vitality to the sword. A quick 2-0 saw one of the weirdest scoreboards you’ll ever see - all ENCE players positive, except their highest rated player and the most damage in the game.

maden is finally looking like the player a lot of us thought he was - and Spinx has quietly become a very consistently dangerous player.

FaZe then went on to lose to Outsiders (VP) 2-0, which leaves them probably needing to win all three games to qualify. Fortunately for them they have Sprout up next - who got blasted by FURIA.

That game didn’t look that one-sided when you see the scores, but at one point arT pushed underpass on Mirage with a Bizon on a full buy, and was running up mid with an auto sniper on the T side. So, like...

FURIA are properly back on their BS. After losing map one against Outsiders, they’ve been on a tear. KSCERATO, yuurih and arT are a fearsome trio to play against, and if you stop their crazy aggression you get to meet saffee.

They look scary, is what we’re saying.

As ever, if you want to look a little more in depth at any of the games, you can find the results here.

March 17, 2022

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