In the shadow of all the juicier things happening at the moment, ESL and its partner teams in the Louvre Agreement, have decided to extend their partnership deal to 2025.
Granted it isn’t the sexiest of news in the middle of the transfer season, but it is important. Not just for the 14 partner teams (and HEROIC once they are confirmed as the 15th team).
No, the Louvre Agreement is important for the wider CS:GO ecosystem, as it provides revenue-sharing between ESL and the partner organizations, mimicking some of the pillars that have made RIOT’s LoL-franchise important.
While not specifically mentioned in the press release, RIOT’s launch of Valorant makes it an imperative to fix the North American CS:GO scene. Liquid’s co-founder Victor Goosens alludes to the fact that the extension will see an increased focus on NA CS. Maybe it’s actually salvageable?