Evil Geniuses hit F5

Elliott Griffiths
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We wanted to title this story ‘Evil Geniuses hit refrezh’, but given the stories that have come out about how they treat their LoL players, you might have taken it too literally.

It’s fair to say the last year has been disappointing for EG, but the first step to change is… well, changing. You can’t change your results, your atmosphere, your standing in the community without wholesale change, and that appears to begin with the playing staff.

One might wonder why it wouldn’t be those at the top with the power, but then one would be cascaded with the realisation that that is just how the world works, sadly.

HexT appears to be the first out of Evil Geniuses (which probably actually consists of a demotion to one of the other EG teams), with outbound Sprout gamer refrezh joining their ranks, according to Blix, and Rush2.us.

Evil Geniuses have finally realised that there was no point in signing 15 mediocre North American players if they wanted to maintain their standing as more than a laughing stock, and picked up… well, the guy who got kicked from Sprout. But, it’s not all bad.

refrezh is relatively young but still experienced, has shown flashes of a very high level but not consistently, and does bring with him the ability to secondary call. He’s played on very good teams, and now should have a chance to shine in better roles.

At least, in theory. They will still let Brehze stink up the place, most probably.

Of course, this could all change. As Ryan mentions in the Dust2 article, there is only a verbal agreement - and that’s as valuable as the paper it’s not written on.

It’s a step in the right direction, but the journey is long and arduous.

March 19, 2023

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