FalleN just keeps dancing

Harry Richards
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Illustration by NovaH. Source: Fallen

The end of the season brings with it some strange motivation imbalances in the server.

Case in point: Vitality, Major champions, who probably haven’t practiced since Paris and are already thinking of sunny beaches, against FalleN’s Imperial who arrive fighting to keep the Professor in the team.

Vitality came in colder than ice on map one, and were smashed 16-3 on Overpass. But it was the 16-14 win on map two that was truly impressive.

On one of Vitality’s best maps, and historically a terrible map for FalleN and company, Imperial stood tall to upset the world’s best team.

In their second match, against G2, Imperial once again punched above their weight — despite a 30-bomb in ONE HALF from NiKo as G2 won Ancient.

Imperial did succumb eventually, but only after beating G2 on their best map of Inferno and 29 rounds of Nuke. The win over Vitality has secured their first playoffs of a Big Event since FalleN joined, even if it only required an online qualifier and one best of three.

Elsewhere, Cloud9 won the “most dead dead team” competition with a last-place exit, with nafany coming out afterward to moan about players not listening to his calls. We wonder why they weren’t listening, Vladislav.

Astralis also had a torrid time, despite signs of progress in Dallas. A loss to FaZe is fine, but they were then eliminated at the hands of Complexity in a 90-round thriller of a best of three.

device, after a 1.42 rating at Dallas, only managed a 0.89 in Washington. That’s mostly thanks to stand-in AWPer Sonic, who killed device 11 — yes, eleven — times on map three with just two replies from device.

To make things worse, five of those were with a deagle. It was an absolute paddlin’. Watching from home, hallzerk is worried about his place in the team and you know what? Maybe he should be.

June 11, 2023

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