First Neymar, now Beckham?

Gijs Verhoeff
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  • Guild Esports has raised about £20M on the London stock market, with David Beckham holding a minority interest in the company. If this is all gibberish to you, don't worry, we've TLDR'd it. Basically the company has stated that with this money they want to become a top ten esports organisation within three years, and well you can't ignore CS:GO if that's your goal. Right?
  • DreamHack Masters Winter NA has been filled with four teams so far, with Triumph being surrounded by three Brazilian teams - paiN, TeamOne and YeaH.
  • Copenhagen Flames are selling players, once again. In their 7355608th player sale, they've parted ways with mertz and maNkz, as they replace HooXi and refrezh in x6tence, who in turn are expected to join MAD Lions soon.
  • MVP PK's biggest talent, XigN, has left his current team BTRG. He stated contract breaches as his reason for leaving, and he wasn't the first. Do CSPPA operate in China?
  • Famous Counter-Strike fragmovie maker Daniel Hagelin has announced he will be reuploading old projects in high quality. We don't really understand, but it's a big deal according to our Chief Editor PHedemark. Okay boomer.
  • HenryG shared an old promotion video for an Aussie showmatch that never took place, based on the cult classic "The Usual Suspects". We just want to know the next C9 player Henry, so get on it!
  • Papito isn't quite done with CS yet, with the Polish Leaks twitter account revealing he might be making an academy team for Liquid very soon.
  • One more reason why we don't play Danger Zone.
October 4, 2020

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