From tha Dogg Pound

Gijs Verhoeff
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🐶 Woof woof!

  • ...To FaZe Clan. What a glowup for Snoop Dogg.

📚 Try this for practice

  • Express Air Delivery, inbound!
  • Okay, CSGO Hero seems cool and all, but we need to know if it plays Megalovania before we try it.
  • Maybe having your dad around might help? It certainly helped SaVage get to EPL S15.

🤪 Lower tier madness

  • Nothing like good comms. Don’t worry jeyN, it always beats having four foreigners on your team who refuse to speak English.
  • This is mad... Madly cool by ESL! What a twist, we know. Anyways, we’re happy for Party Astronauts.
  • Let’s hope Twist and Plessen find their deserved level at Finest, shall we? We can’t make it any less blunt than that.
March 10, 2022

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