With the CSPPA working with tournament organiser to get a covid-proof LAN protocol going, it's beginning to look a lot like LANs are going to be back on the menu. Thankfully, because compared to the all-you-can-eat buffet that is online CS, LAN is a three Michelin-star restaurant.
Friend of the newsletter Frankie Ward finally made it out of silver. The road to Global begins with a single rank-up, so they say.
We would definitely have reported you, Techno4K...
Optimus Prime is a bit chunky on Overpass, but don't worry - it doesn't show. No, wait that's precisily the problem... Valve pls fix.
A lot of Asian players have been getting alleged false VAC-bans on their accounts recently, which might be caused by a Trusted mode bug. With no CSPPA or ESIC to help them out, best they can do is listen to Bleh's advice...
We're happy to see nawwk is back on top, as he returned to NiP's lineup. Maybe they'll start winning now?
ViCi have managed to flush their rivals down the TYLOO - see what we did there?