Good News for People Who Love Bad News (Eagles)

Elliott Griffiths
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Illustration by NovaH. Source: PGL

Bad. News. Eagles.

The first Kosovan team to qualify for BLAST, the first ones to be in the RMR/Minor system, and now, the first to be at a Major.

Every time a new challenge appears, these boys overcome it. Having lost to G2, they needed to win a BO3 against ASG and then SINNERS to qualify, and they did so with aplomb. They body bagged ASG and ground their way to a 30-round victory in map three against the Czech outfit.

Fair to say, their celebrations tonight are going to be wild. They already are. Poor coach.

They, obviously, weren’t alone in going through. They were joined by Copenhagen Flames, Players (more on them shortly), NIP, ENCE, G2, Astralis, and Team Spirit.

It wouldn’t be a Major cycle if a Russian team upset the pack, would it? Spirit took down Anonymo to break the hearts of the Polish population who haven’t had a team to root for... a little bit too long, now.

Stage one of chopper’s master plan is in action.

But the Flames picked up another 3-0 to make it to the Legends stage, and might just go on to make Complexity look a bit silly for picking up an NA roster. We’re sure floppy and co. will do better than Copenhagen Flames in the main tournament.

inhales a, frankly, unhealthy amount of Stars and Stripes-branded copium.

Astralis almost became the main focus of this piece after they spluttered to a victory over HEET in a 2-2 game. While it would have been amusing to see Astralis not qualify for a Major, it’s much funnier to see neL upset.

For the others, it was relatively smooth sailing. NIP grabbed a Legends spot over ENCE in an important seeding game (yes, it’s an oxymoron, we know), while Players confirmed a simple 3-0 as they triumphed over Astralis.

That means their sticker money is confirmed; but without an org, where could it go?

Now THAT’S a segue.

April 24, 2022

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