🎄 We wish these people an extra happy holiday
- Some of you might already know up-and-coming talent S3NSEY, while others might not. Either way, he’s had a bit of a rough time, so give the man some end-of-year love.
- We’ll miss you and your annoying prop-tracing mannerisms, gade.
- b4rtiN needs the extra love, having to move to VALORANT is hard enough.
👨🏫 Good news, everyone!
- Women’s CS is on the up, and ESL have made a nice video to help highlight that.
- Maxim has blessed us with an early Xmas gift for those of us who dareth tread on FACEIT.
- Valve have changed the Regional Standings, once again. That might sound like bad news, but no! You get a free tl;dr thread where we’ve done the thinking for you!
👺 Don’t like Xmas? We gotchu: things to rage at
- Apparently, Denmark-based BLAST organizing a tournament in less than controversial Abu Dhabi has rubbed Danish politics the wrong way. Sports and politics do mix?
- Yet another place to vandalise Astralis jerseys at, great! (Please don’t burn Hummel stores)
- Here we are, writing this newsletter for free. Meanwhile, FaZe are making 11k a map. With the teammates we get in MM we should be getting that much too.