Heroic's heroics sends Liquid packing

Phillip Rasmussen
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Illustration by NovaH. Source: @refrezhcs

It was all done and dusted, the EPL quarterfinal between Heroic and Liquid.

The Danish fans had already turned off their streams, the commentators had called it for the Americans, and Ryan from RushBMedia was already shitposting. And who wouldn't?

After a 16-12 victory for each team on Overpass (TL) and Nuke (Heroic), Liquid had it all wrapped up at 15-14 on Inferno. 5v1 against refrezh, the bomb not planted and a complete surround of the Danish player.

Mission. Impossible. But what if... Surely not... That doesn't happen... Right?

Except it did.

refrezh played one of the cleanest clutches we have ever seen in our lives, to take it to wink. wink, Overtime on Inferno. Which Heroic promptly closed out 4-1 for a 19-16 victory and a semifinal EPL spot.

cadiaN's reaction says it all.

It's no surprise that it ended up being refrezh that had to carry Heroic over the finish line either. He has long been touted as a budding star, but for the longest time failed to take the next step.

After breaking through in Fragsters, he **never quite got the chance at the highest level. Through the time on OpTic, x6tence and MAD Lions, refrezh couldn't reproduce the performances that made him one of the hottest properties in Danish CS:GO.

Under cadiaN's tutelage, he has however stabilized his performances, and at EPL Season 14, refrezh has been the best Danish player - with his MVP performance against Liquid being the definitive proof that he still has it.

86-60 K-D, 95 ADR and 1.37 rating over three close maps says it all. Add to that his 1.22 rating for the entire tournament, and the picture of a true star comes together.

Still unsure? The only four players to post better ratings than refrezh, is s1mple, ZywOo, sh1ro and KSCERATO. Not the worst company to keep.

September 12, 2021

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