"I was the best" - Okay Grandad

Elliott Griffiths
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You know, we all woke up here at TLDR yesterday and thought: I wonder what Edward thinks about the coronavirus pandemic?

Thankfully, HLTV had us covered.

All jokes aside, if you do have five or ten minutes after you've read this at work or school (don't pretend you're not), it's worth reading the interview. Edward has a lot of interesting thoughts on coaching, his own career and whether or not he's finished as a player.

Perhaps the most interesting is that he believes he's back with the CSGO obsession he used to have - and he has started learning English with a view to joining an international team; or an American team, which he says he would like to do.

If you thought NA CS was dead before...

He also talks a lot about s1mple - calling him toxic, brazen, someone who 'expresses emotions in a very rough way' and the best player in the world. A fitting tribute, really.

Basically, 'he's a complete jerk. Great guy', which is how every teenage boy describes their friends.

He then leaves him out of his dream team, instead selecting ELiGE and Perfecto. Weirdly, we actually think Perfecto makes more sense. We can almost understand you believing Perfecto is the best role player, like an upmarket STYKO - but is ELiGE really the best rifler in the world?

Oh, and we can't respect a man who doesn't want arT in his team.

November 1, 2020

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