It's getting cold in Denmark

Gijs Verhoeff
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  • The Copenhagen Flame is slowly dying out...
  • We don't blame him, Dr Eggman can be a tough villain to beat.
  • Nice skin, we have to say, but we're more interested in that special radar that shows your enemies.
  • From silly sports on a screen, to silly sports in real life, dusT has it all.
  • Can't lose in your region if your entire region plays for your team, smart move MIBR. Problems made in Brazil require solutions made in Brazil.
  • Now imagine if Spirit won the Major. Putin would go bonkers! Not that we're saying he's insane, we would never say that. Please don't send the KGB...
  • forZe are switching things up, but it doesn't look like FL1T will be on the bench long though...
  • Devilwalk away, the Phoenix does not need you anymore.
October 21, 2021

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