It's like the World Cup but for CS

Elliott Griffiths
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You guys doing anything for the next twenty days?

If not, we have a suggestion. It involves three games of Counter-Strike a day, starting from midday and finishing some time in the evening. Sounds like a dream, right?

Well, no need to pinch yourself, your dreams are coming to life. No, not that one involving your old maths teacher. We don't want to know about that. The one about the three games of CS a day thing.

It's starting today, so if you're reading this in the morning, there's still time to stock up on snacks before your day of hedonism. If it's the afternoon, maybe it's a day to get a takeaway. Go on, treat yourself.

The first five days are all for Group A, with BIG, Heroic, Complexity, OG, FPX and Renegades. Notice how there's like, no bad teams? It's great, is it not? Heroic will be playing with their new roster, while niko will probably be standing in for OG, given he is for the DH qualifiers. Just in time to play the team that just cut him. Spicy.

You'll also be able to see suNny's rebirth as a phoenix on FPX, and then after five days of wall-to-wall Counter-Strike WE DO IT ALL AGAIN WITH A NEW GROUP.

Life is nothing but joy. What a world we live in.

March 7, 2021

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