Just Kill Them

Phillip Rasmussen
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📈 Vitality’s Major

  • It’s not zonic who says “ZywOo go kill”, it’s ZywOo who says “ZywOo go kill”. Seems reasonable.
  • Luckily he listens to himself, because if not, their Major would have ended already.
  • Speaking of Majors and ending, it seems like Magisk found his Astralis-Major plot armour just in time. What a deagle.

🇧🇷 More of the Major

  • There are major protests in Brazil following their presidential election, which means fans have had a hard time reaching Rio.
  • It sucks when fans can’t attend as they want to, but maybe this guy would have been better off not going at all.
  • The Brazilians are out in force though, to the point where CS:GO commentator-extraordinaire, Gaules, is the most-watched channel on Twitch in October. Imagine what that’s going to look like in November 👀

🔁  Changes aplenty

  • Former Valiance and CR4ZY manager Petar Marković have just been announced as GM for G2 Esports. We guess that means HooXi gets booted before any of the cousins.
  • We all remember how w0xic really wanted to play in a Turkish team. Yeah, not so much anymore. In fact, he’s benched himself from the organization he co-founded. That’s how over it he is.
  • It takes less time to replace a monitor at the Major than it does for OG to piss off Charles Leclerc.
November 3, 2022

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