Bubzkji isn't just out of Astralis for the Major, he's out of Astralis.
According to Jaxon, Bubzkji is being actively offered around by Astralis as they look to move the enigmatic Dane on to another team, and this decision was made during IEM Fall.
Yeah, during the tournament he played in to help Astralis qualify for the Major that they dropped him for. Poor guy finally gets in the team and they can't wait to get rid of him, even when they need players.
So it was with great joy that we watched Astralis drop down to 0-2 after getting smashed by Entropiq and Copenhagen Flames in the opening games, truly. Life was great. Water tasted like honey. Our musty bedrooms smelt like lavender and camomile.
We thought karma was paying Astralis a visit for being mean to Bubzkji. But alas, it was only kicking us in the gut.
Sending GODSENT back to meet their maker before pulling off a miraculous 15-7 comeback over paiN on map 2 to close out the series made them Brazil's most wanted, and now leaves Astralis with Team Spirit in their sights.
As Team Spirit's biggest fans, we're inhaling lots of hopium in preparation for tomorrow. Give 'em hell, lads. For Bubzkji.