JW announces fnatic 2

Elliott Griffiths
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👀 Worth reading/watching

  • This hype movie for Katowice will have you even more hyped than you probably already are.
  • JW is hinting that he might build his own team and organisation from the ground up in this HLTV interview. He wouldn’t, would he?
  • xertioN spoke about the pressures of being watched - get used to it, kid, you’re a star!

🤣  Need a laugh?

🧐  Interesting stuff

  • f0rest has the most kills in CS history, and just reached a new milestone.
  • GamerPay have a 3D skins viewer and we’re still baffled by how expensive skins are.
  • Got money? Maybe you can buy one of these teams.
February 13, 2022

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