Keeping it floppy

Elliott Griffiths
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  • Sonic is taking a step back from CSGO, and his replacement is NA's own prodigal son - floppy. He's gone from CS to VALORANT and now has come back to save NA. That's a huge poggers.
  • FPX have moved away from Devilwalk, and are now looking for a new coach. Devilwalk appears to have been a major part of that team becoming a top 10 team from nowhere, so it will be interesting to see his next move.
  • He won't be going to Heroic for now, who have added Xizt as temporary coach. What happened to their last coach? We don't remember.
  • Anyone want a Major roster? Copenhagen Flames are... selling theirs?
  • forZe replaced the outbound FL1T and almazer with Norwi and Fierce from Singularity.
October 21, 2021

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