Sonic is taking a step back from CSGO, and his replacement is NA's own prodigal son - floppy. He's gone from CS to VALORANT and now has come back to save NA. That's a huge poggers.
FPX have moved away from Devilwalk, and are now looking for a new coach. Devilwalk appears to have been a major part of that team becoming a top 10 team from nowhere, so it will be interesting to see his next move.
He won't be going to Heroic for now, who have added Xizt as temporary coach. What happened to their last coach? We don't remember.
Anyone want a Major roster? Copenhagen Flames are... selling theirs?
forZe replaced the outbound FL1T and almazer with Norwi and Fierce from Singularity.
October 21, 2021
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