MAD Lions went from winning 12-1 to losing 13-16 to Liquid. Imagine losing that big of a lead, couldn't be us to be honest. You'd have to get that kind of a lead in the first place. z
Like a deer moose in headlights, moose has retired from CS and moved to the "gunplay filled" VALORANT, with Bwills taking his place on Triumph's roster.
We didn't know Whalers used FaNgs to hunt. The more you know.
We think there's a world where a convicted cheaterendorsing you does mean something. To quote Breaking Bad: "You don't want a criminal lawyer... you want a 'criminal' lawyer".
Sometimes our fingers are just too damn heavy, I swear they made those clicks lighter. It's a conspiracy from the mouse manufacturers to make us buy more mice.
November 26, 2020
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