MIBR disband???

Elliott Griffiths
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Illustration by Crash_

Which was the better cheating scandal that cause to someone leaving MIBR, dead, or fnx (allegedly)?

Let's take a step back. fer, TACO and dead have all left MIBR. Bombshell. And the rascals went and did it late in the evening, forcing us to change the whole newsletter. It's like they don't even care about us.

In fact, they care about us so little, FalleN announced he was leaving just before we pressed send (!).

It's of course, not the first time TACO has left MIBR, but for fer this is the end of an era. While it'll be weird seeing FalleN without any of the original LG players, we all realise it's time to move on. Though apparently, FalleN doesn't, because TACO reckons it was all the organisation's choice.

Yeah, mate, can't imagine why the people who pay your wages would go over your heads to cut some of the players who are losing to Wisla Krakow while you claim everything is okay.

It's alright though. It's not like the players are going to come outright and say "I do not agree with the changes in the team" just cause you went over their heads.



The question therefore is, who do they pick up? A Brazilian friend of ours, Rafael Londe, helped us understand what on earth MIBR players were on about when they tweeted at Gaules. The TLDR is, Gaules talked some smack about how the MIBR players have no direction, and they ain't happy.

Anyway, he believes Biguzera is the player MIBR should be trying to pick up. We don't know much about him, but his stats are solid and at this point, trying to convince proven Brazilian players to join might be tough. There's always felps, again. Third time lucky. Surely?

They could go international, but you're called 'Made in Brazil', so you really can't just pick up some random Danish players. Also, kNgV- doesn't speak English, apparently. Other than "Prove it or I'll kill you".

The MIBR roster now includes:

  • kNgV-
  • trk

Anyway, now they've kicked TACO, we wonder if their CSPPA ranking might fall due to bitterness. Well, that, and the hilariously bad results. One of the two.

September 13, 2020

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