Move over olofmeister...

Elliott Griffiths
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If you thought olofmeister being back was wild, wait 'til you find out about FalleN.

The guy put up his best performance against a top 30 team for nearly four years, as Liquid left FaZe in the dirt for their opening game. karrigan's return to FaZe was completely overshadowed by FalleN's return to... well, FalleN - and Twistzz lost to Liquid for the first time since leaving them.

It seemed to come out of absolutely nothing, as FalleN hadn't really been that good for a little while now - but after day one he's the highest rated player at the event - leaving karrigan and rain at the bottom.

OG disappointed in their opening game - though, it's not really disappointment when you've come to expect it. NBK, somehow, didn't carry on his 30-bomb form against Vitality. We're shocked.

dexter having children might have all been a lie, but the closest you can come to that is babysitting Bymas, ropz and frozen. The poor lad got his first taste of getting Astralis'd on mousesports, as device died just 26 times in 52 rounds and cut the mice apart.

Spirit dealt with the Kovač family with sdy holding the fort down, while their CIS brothers Gambit struggled with Evil Geniuses. Heroic and BIG fought for the title of bestest online team ever, with Heroic taking the title. We're sure they'll love it.

February 18, 2021

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