🌚 In a darker timeline…
- … NiKo could’ve played in India. Could you imagine?
- Don’t get us wrong we love the work from MultiH, but can you think of a world where Valve sell out and start selling CS:GO LEGO sets? Full monetization arc.
📊 Stats for days brother
- ZywOo’s skill is not so skillful after all? Clickbaity enough for you?
- Who’s been sh*t and who hasn’t been since covid, all packaged up into one article. We love it.
🔭 Scouting’s become easier
- Recently launched DemoDive allows all of you to find that one specific round you’re looking for. Still can’t find the round where we played well though.
- Ever wanted to quickly know what kind of player you’re buying? CSGOscouting has got you covered. We’re the ultra-support type.
- We’ve always wanted to know what BNE do well and now we have this amazingly written article by not on of our own to explain it to us. Yippie!