One half of Sweden in turmoil

Elliott Griffiths
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FNATIC are out of FLASHPOINT. For crying out loud.

It's a story we're getting bored of, honestly. FNATIC are going full MIBR and completely ruining their entire legacy, and nobody is bombing faster than JW.

He and Golden combined for 90 deaths in two maps, and just 45 kills. You... you can't win with two teammates doing that. You can ask s1mple, if you want. It ain't possible.

The move for Jackinho is getting some stick, but what's weirder is that they brought in a sixth man, Peppzor, and they're persevering with JW, on a rifle, stinking the place out.

Losing to Complexity in theory isn't terrible, but COL have not been that impressive of late. They're solid, but nothing special - and we don't think it was some special performance from them.

At least the rest of us can laugh at FNATIC. It's always nice to see some big dogs humbled, and while it's not quite as nice as seeing Manchester United lose, it's like seeing Bayern Munich lose. It's pretty damn nice.

Remember when JW was smug? Not so smug now, are we?

May 16, 2021

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