oSee’s supremacy

Elliott Griffiths
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osee from team liquid

Illustration by NovaH. Source: Liquid

It might be time for us to finally accept that Heroic are onliners.

Oh, who are we kidding. We always did, even when they were winning. Not for any real reason, we just didn’t want to accept that they were good.

They got smacked around by Team Liquid of all teams - more on them later, funnily enough - with new boy oSee and old man ELiGE taking over. oSee on Vertigo was impervious, a brick wall that was part of the team with the best CT sides.

Hell, even nitr0 looked good on map two. We won’t talk about map one.

Heroic are stuck, now. As one of the only teams who didn’t make a change over the player break, they’re now treading water with the same team that isn’t good enough to win events.

It’s too late to make changes - all the good players are taken (unless you can convince Kjaerbye and aizy, wink wink) and you keep choking on LAN. You’ve even given an NA team a 2-0 win, for crying out loud.

They’re not even the best team in Denmark - their brothers Astralis dusted off Entropiq in the third. A superb performance from Forester; who has finally ended the debate over who the best player on Entropiq is, wasn’t enough to stop the Danes from trucking on.

The big boy blameF bonked the B-Russians. We tried. He dropped an 81-59 scoreline, and even had the highest ADR on his team. You’d hope so, given he has to bait his whole team to get there.

It was an excellent game that truly could have gone either way; two 30 rounders went to Astralis, and an overtime game to Entropiq.

The Astralis BS is back, it seems.

April 7, 2022

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