Pick’em like you’ve never picked’em before

Gijs Verhoeff
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  • HLTV has shaken up the surprisingly stale Pick’Em scene by giving us the things we didn’t think we’d need from a Pick’Em system.
  • Like, who knew you needed Steam integration? We don’t normally like to praise HLTV but damn.

🗓️ Time to slow down

  • The CS calendar is indeed getting a little too saturated. Even we are getting overwhelmed by the content tsunami at this point.
  • Looks like Tricked Esports is out of business. A staple of the Tier 2 scene gone, just like that.

🏆 Grand Slam News

  • Seems the Grand Slam will continue into CS2, as it should.
  • NER0 bring us another deep-dive analysis of past Grand Slams. Which one is best?

🔥 Shots fired

  • We love ourselves some French drama, especially when it’s against unbiased OL supporter neLendirekt. Droit au But, neL.
  • flameZ brings the fire by literally firing shots. He’s good at the shot-firing.
April 20, 2023

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