Illustration by NovaH. Handshake icon by The Icon Z
As noted in last week's newsletter the CS Professional Players Association and the tournament organizers, have been negotiating to change the Summer and Winter player breaks. We don't know why, and everyone else seems flabbergasted as well, but let it rest for a second, because the announcement turned into a Twitter feud in seconds.
It all started with Hicham Chahine, CEO of Ninjas in Pyjamas, taking a shot at the CSPPA for not being consulted as the employer. SirScoots, Co-Founder and Managing Director for the CSPPA, laid down the law, noting that the change had nothing do with the employer-employee-relationship, but merely between players and TOs.
G2's Head of Esports operations, Danny Engels, figured that maybe Scoots didn't quite understand what was being referred to and tried another angle. That might have worked if Scoots wasn't also the Grumpy Old Man from our favourite CS:GO-show, The Breakdown. He doesn't take kindly to cheap shots though, so he proceeded to absolutely rip Engels a new one. That's what the Fortnite-kids call "being lasered", or so we've heard.
As we've come to expect when ESL Pro League teams are in hot water, a Flashpoint representative, this time personified by FACEIT co-founder Michele Attisani, came in late and threw a punch below the belt.
Oh you want to know the dates? Changed from June 29th - July 29th to July 6th - August 6th. Now you know. That's like, the whole story. We're unsure as to why everybody is so uptight.