The first game in the top half of the play-offs is vs Astralis, an entirely unpredictable game. Astralis have looked far better than most expected, but then VP have won their last six maps after losing their first three. They're in great form, but they also got 2-0'd by BIG, so who knows if they're actually any good.
You could easily make an argument for 2-0 either way in this game and we'd be like, yeah, that makes perfect sense. While YEKINDAR looks back to being the superstar we know he can be, dupreeh is the prototype from which YEKINDAR was conceived, and the student is yet to surpass the master.
dupreeh has been reborn without device, the man to whom his name was so often twinned. Turns out he didn't need someone to hold an angle for 50 seconds all round to look good, and he's actually a monster. Who could've guessed?
We've got a sneaking suspicion VP might carry on their impressive form and take the W here, and if so, they'll get a semi-final against G2, who have... looked like the best team at the tournament?
Yeah, they have. We think. s1mple might disagree, but they took down Gambit and NiKo is looking like an absolute monster. Think NiKo way back when, but if instead of Spiidi, he had huNter-. He's not s1mple, but he's about as close as you can get at this tournament.
LAN has been very kind to him.
Whichever semi-final comes in, it should be a thigh-rubber. A banger. A game to plan your day around. VP vs G2 would be chaotic, unpredictable, a fistfight to the death. G2 vs Astralis would be an old-school clash, titan v titan, NiKo vs Astralis on LAN.