Road to Rio gets winded for Fnatic

Elliott Griffiths
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Well, there's one straight path. FaZe are just driving a train through the middle of it, leaving cars and bodies strewn across it. They're smashing everyone.

They did lose a map to NiP, and it took two overtimes to get there, but they're still unable to lose a game in the Road to Rio. They had NiKo to thank for that, the guy was irresistible. Maybe they're going to plow through everyone, get to the final and win it agai... oh, sorry, our bad.

shox is back to his best, seemingly, and bizarrely. He topfragged as Vitality beat GODSENT and got one more kill than ZywOo in a two-man takedown of NiP. NiP were desperately unlucky - they played six games of overtime and won only one more than as many Majors as FaZe have won, of them.

fnatic ended their Road to Rio in a super flat fashion, getting 2-0'd by Spaniards Movistar Riders, including getting set alight on Inferno, 16-2. It's hard to find any positives for fnatic, so enjoy some headshots from the other side. **

Oh, Heretics. It was so, so close, and so, so heartbreaking. Thrown round after loss on time after whiffed spray saw them choke a 12-5 lead on map three, somehow conspiring to give their French brethren a path into the lower final against Vitality. Nivera went from 20-4 to 24-16, which is... yeah that's a fall from grace.

And after all of kioShiMa's hard work, too.

They did manage to muscle past North, but unsurprisingly, as North still had Jumpy sitting in Kjaerbye's chair, but clearly without the shaky aim hacks in play.

Finally, just take a look at Allu's number of kills. Oof. He single-handedly tore Copenhagen Flames limb from limb.

May 14, 2020

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