Road to Rio NA + SA

Elliott Griffiths
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TACO doesn't forget, TACO doesn't forgive. He does, however, probably have regrets, and one of those will be leaving Liquid. His MIBR team got 2-0'd by his old team, despite him dropping a very respectable statline, including 90+ ADR.

He had to watch on as NAF made his team look like amateurs. Well, they made themselves look like amateurs, NAF just cleaned up the mess.

Presumably due to having more time to deathmatch, now he doesn't have to spend three hours a day on curling his moustache before going outside, Gratisfaction looks good now. Like, really good. A +26 scoreline helped them take EG to the cleaners.

Gen.G and FURIA both posted wins in NA, while BOOM took the South America final 2-1 over Isurus.

April 26, 2020

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