Talk about a cocktease.
The dust hadn't even settled on the Major before half the Astralis core was rumoured to join ZywOo, and we all thought that things were about to get really crazy.
And then it just... fizzled out.
All the Twitter hype disappeared, and apart from a possible Brazilunion, the most interesting story that's popped up this week is that AcilioN wasn't kicked from Apeks.
Someone who was kicked is vEndetta, who got the boot from Dignitas. Maybe because the team has never really done anything or note, or maybe because they got absolutely destroyed by MOUZ' talent-team. We're not sure why Dignitas still has a CS-team to be honest.
Now, it's not all bad and boring. HLTV have created a shuffle-tracker, which makes it easy to see who is benched and who is a free agent.
And you know what that means. It's theorycrafting time!
Here are three completely unrealistic rosters, that we'd love to see happen:
North v3
The Hype Didn't Last
Clown 9
Tweet us or reply to this email with your best theorycrafted lineups and we'll share the best ones.