Second bite of the cherry

Elliott Griffiths
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Illustration by NovaH. Source: NIP

If you're a fan of fairytales, you're going to be disappointed. In fairness, that's nearly always true, otherwise they wouldn't be fairytales.

NiP took down Anonymo in map fou- sorry, map three 2 - of their series in round 30. It was some serious heartbreak for the Poles who didn't even really think they should be made to play the game again.

If you've no idea what happened there, aizyesque summed it up in just 20 seconds in this clip from the podcast. Listen to the podcast. It'll make him happy. He even got a haircut for this.

device genuinely got bodied by Snax too, which is bloody lovely to see. We love it when Snax is good, it makes the world feel more at ease. It would be an overreaction to suggest Snax is back to his best, and is about to dominate the world again.

But that doesn't mean we're not willing to subscribe to that overreaction.

There's still hope for a re-rematch, too. Anonymo would have to beat HYENAS, mind, which would never happen.

May 20, 2021

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