Someone call 9-1-1

Gijs Verhoeff
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  • Because there's been a murder, but unlike an Agatha Christie novel - we know who did it.
  • Who would've thought dioramas could be so fun to watch. Ours don't usually float in space though.
  • One of the many perks of being back on LAN is the added auditory experience.
  • NiP is now selling virtual player jerseys. But we say keep on flipping aizyesque.
  • That parent must feel really dumb right about now.
  • Didn't help FaZe win though...
  • This tweet had us sitting on the edge of our seats...
  • ...Only for launders to call bs. It was too good to be true.
  • We might have missed this in our last edition, but coL are looking for a new coach. So if you're a juggernaut, do apply.
  • B1t of a slacker in the gripping department there...
July 18, 2021

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