Sorry, Americans, it’s just too easy

Elliott Griffiths
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Alright, that M80 prophecy better come true.

NA is in dire straits at BLAST Fall. What started out well for ELiGE at Complexity quickly collapsed, as the euphoria of a game one win faded faster than ELiGE’s hair this summer.

Was that mean? Perhaps. We think he looks quite dashing bald, though.

What was definitely mean was what Vitality did to Complexity. The best team in the world obliterated the Americans and dropped just seven rounds over two maps - including just one on Inferno.

Ruh roh, Scoob. That’s not good.

Still, at least NA fans can hang their hats on Evil Geniuses. Ryan tweeted during their map one win over NIP that he was awaiting the ‘NIP are just bad’ tweets, to show just how much people hate NA unfairly.

One problem.

They didn’t win map one. Or map two.

Evil Geniuses were in the driving seat and dominating a lacklustre NIP, but as EG have done consistently for about three years now, they fell apart, choked map one in double overtime and lost map two.

Great work, EG. No notes.

Maybe we’re overreacting. Maybe Vitality are genuinely the best team of all time, and NIP are actually quite good and it’s impressive that the two plucky NA teams even came close to challenging them.

Maybe. We doubt it, though.

July 16, 2023

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