
Gijs Verhoeff
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  • Need a player on short notice? We've got the NaToSa-fix for you!
  • Good news and bad news. The good news is Double Poney are in ESEA Premier, bad news is: they're still Double Poney.
  • As those of you that watched the full match will know, it was in fact Dup-REEEEE.
  • First of all: great channel. Second of all: as a mouz fan, Liquid could you stop countering ropz please?
  • Shots 1-5, clearly mis- Ah, who are we kidding. Valve, please fix.
  • Probably one of the better things to come out of the HLTV Forums. Let's hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears. Want to see it for yourself? Take a look at his Twitch.
August 19, 2021

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