The Astralis starship hits rock bottom

Harry Richards
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It’s all change at Astralis.

k0nfig’s removal has been confirmed, fit with a TwitLonger of his to the incident where he broke his leg. And, you know what? It seems like he was a victim, subject to a beating from an intoxicated nightclub promoter.

We’re not gonna re-hash that whole story — you should read his side for yourself. He deserves some sympathy, at the very least.

As for the rest of Astralis, our sympathy has run out.

After the disaster at the RMR, coach trace has been benched — HUNDEN time, anyone? — which is just the “first step” according to a typically boring press release. What those next changes will be is still up in the air, however.

Device seems pretty likely, if the seventeen drip-fed Jaxon reports about him replacing Farlig come to fruition, anyway.

And that is a huge upgrade. We don’t care if he’s only played FACEIT recently, he’s still the third best player of all time, for our money. He even got a 30-bomb against four of Vitality last week.

device is great. We know that. But that still leaves four question marks on the squad.

gla1ve has struggled since paternity leave in both fragging and calling. Xyp9x has dialled it in after getting a four-year contract signed in October 2021. k0nfig is gone, and blameF’s 25 kills a game still don’t stop analysts like Devilwalk calling for his head.

In an ideal world, they grab sjuush and stavn in place of xyp9x and k0nfig for a proper heir to the Astralis of 2018-20. But, Astralis has never been an org to spend money. Should they spend $600k on device, that prospective LCS-spot sale money will be dry, too.

Jaxon have also reported an inquiry for wonderkid Staehr as a replacement for k0nfig, with Farlig going to Sprout as a deal sweetener.

Which… probably won’t go through. It’s easier to get out of military service in Singapore than it is to get out of a Sprout contract.

Zyphon has also been linked, but after he was deemed not good enough for Astralis talent why would he want to go back? Plus, Xyp9x still has three years left on his lucrative contract — we don’t think he’s going anywhere.

As for that k0nfig spot, Astralis have options if Staehr is out of reach. There’s loads of Danish entry fraggers around.

There’s umm.. Fessor? Gade? Bubzkji? Kjaerbye?

Never mind, they might be screwed. It’s gonna take all six of Kasper Hvidt’s brain cells to sort out this mess. And we’ve got a feeling he might need a few more than six.

October 13, 2022

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