The best gaming investment

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Forget a new mouse or a fancy headset. Forget skins, and forget trying to get diamond hands hodling your GME or BTC.

The thing you can invest in is… lumbar support.

Yes we know that sounds awfully weird, but hear us out guys. As gamers we sit down a lot, and despite our the best intentions, here at TLDR we’re definitely slouching.

So good lumbar support, is probably one of the best investments to make in your long-term health.

Luckily Secret Lab’s Titan Evo 2022 has the best lumbar support we’ve seen in a gaming chair, ever. Adjustable while sitting in it, and not needing to deal with a wonky pillow, the Titan Evo 2022 will help you settle in just right for those long gaming sessions.

The chair comes in three sizes and a 5-year extended warranty.

The TLDR verdict? The best investment you could make right now. And PC Gamer agrees.

July 7, 2022

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