The big boy finals

Elliott Griffiths
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Illustration by ANDY. Source: PGL | Joao Ferreira, FaZe, BLAST

The big BLAST final bonanza definite final world final premiere final FINAL, or whatever its official name is, is finally upon us. The last big event of the year, just before Christmas. What a gift.

Remember all of those other events called “final” — oh, and the showdowns? None of them was the real final; this one is. We think. Maybe BLAST has a world final FINAL FINAL FOR REAL THIS TIME on the surface of Mars on New Year’s Day.

Though it should be the biggest event in BLAST’s calendar - and it is - the #1 team in the world will be without their star player, stavn, citing that this was always planned. Not sure what that says about how they feel about BLAST events.

That leaves the title up for grabs, not that it wasn’t already. Outsiders smacked Heroic at the last big event they played them at, remember, and there’s an angry-looking FaZe and NaVi there too. Maybe G2 can finally put everything together and challenge.

Vitality, Liquid, and OG are all… present in Abu Dhabi as well.

Still, with the top four in the world making up half of the bracket, it’s hard not to get a little giddy. The opening games are Outsiders vs Liquid and FaZe vs G2, for crying out loud. Those look like quarter-final games at most events.

Which… they sort of are. But they’re in the group stage.

Heroic beat, erm, we mean play against OG and NaVi round out the opening games by facing off against Vitality, as per usual. ZywOo vs s1mple is always fun in some way, so we’re not complaining.

There’s a million dollars in prize money and a winning feeling going into Christmas up for grabs in Abu Dhabi. Who fancies it?

Wait, did we just say OG are in Abu Dhabi?

December 12, 2022

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